
Event 23.04.2022

Dear Valued Sensient Customer, As we move into the fifth month of the COVID-19 crisis, I write to confirm that Sensient will continue to operate and to provide you with the ingredients...

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As we move into the fifth month of the COVID-19 crisis, I write to confirm that Sensient will continue to operate and to provide you with the ingredients that are essential to many of your products and businesses. Reliability is what you need right now. Sensient has provided that reliability and assurance from the beginning of this crisis, so that you can focus on your customers’ more pressing needs. I know your time is valuable, so let me focus on what you need to know about our ability to support you:

  • 工厂运营。我 们在世界各地的30多个生产设施100%在运行。我们的大多数关键产品都保持生产冗余。
  • 准时交付。自 1月1日以来,根据我们客户的要求日期,我们实现了近94%的准时交付。这包括满足大量交货时间不足48小时的要求,交货日期的空前变动,以及整个亚洲地区严重的运输短缺。  
  • 积极主动。 在大流行病升级之前,我们就已经购买了大量的原材料,以确保我们的按时交货率保持稳定。我们继续监测未来6个月的水平。我们还联系了我们的许多客户,在市场出现重大需求高峰和运输短缺之前,提前下了订单。我们将继续提醒您可能出现的运输延误。
  • 人员配置水平。 我们的生产设施和实验室的出勤率平均保持在95%以上。我们没有因接触COVID-19而关闭任何设施。
  • 安全。 我们的工厂通过额外的清洁和消毒协议、体温和症状检查、社交疏远以及最近的口罩,增强了我们已经很健全的GMP和卫生做法。生病的员工必须呆在家里。我们成功地将可以在家工作的员工过渡到远程工作。我们全力以赴确保我们的员工不会在森西公司的设施中生病。
  • 服务。 我们已经举办了几十次关于颜色、味道和个人护理产品、技术、趋势和应用的客户培训课程。你们的许多人已经参加了这些会议,这些会议将继续进行。

But it’s not all perfect. Areas of concern that we are seeing right now in our business and working to address include:

  • 由于国家几乎完全封锁,来自印度的原材料出现了严重的延误。
  • 中国的生产和出境运输正在回升,但仍有延迟需要考虑。
  • 几乎在所有地区,预订空运都是一个挑战。
  • 随着世界各地的员工返回工作岗位,我们预计口罩和其他个人防护设备将出现短缺,而这些设备更有可能在所有工作场所都需要。

With plants throughout the world, including China, Italy, Spain, and New Jersey, we have been at the front lines of this pandemic. We have successfully continued operations in the world’s hot spots. Our employees take very seriously our mission as a manufacturer of ingredients for essential food, pharmaceutical, and personal care products. Their courage and commitment has fueled our continued strong on-time delivery performance and consistent staffing levels. We will continue to deliver, because we know our customers and our communities depend on us.

Your existing Sensient contacts continue to work, and they are standing by to lend whatever support you require. We will continue to discuss floor stocks, forecasting needs, and other supply chain support initiatives with your businesses. Let us know if we can assist in any other way to meet your needs.


Paul Manning
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
Sensient Technologies Corporation

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