
Power Berry - A shade that symbolizes individuality and authenticity, this transformative mix of blues and reds also signifies the individual's adaptability to the changing tides.

カラー・オブ・ザ・イヤー2023 パワーベリー - ウェブサイト上の注目画像

With more than 60 years of experience developing cosmetic colorants, ingredients and extraction technology, we believe that beauty is not only seen but experienced. At the front and center of beauty is an individual’s sensory experience with the product and here at Sensient Beauty, we believe in forming collaborative relationships with our customers to create ingredients that elevate these experiences.

Every year, in collaboration with Beautystreams, we select a Color of the Year that we believe will make an impact in beauty and cosmetics for the year ahead. After a warm and comforting success of Radiant Pink in 2022, we look toward 2023 with another color that is empowering, optimistic and creative.


カラー・オブ・ザ・イヤー2023 パワーベリー1

The Covid-19 pandemic has completely overhauled the way we live and affected all aspects of our lives—including politics, work, nature, relationships and society as a whole. Consumers have gone through major changes in their lives, forming different priorities when it comes to work, their shopping habits or even the way they view themselves and their lives. When alone and isolated during quarantine, people looked inward to form self-awareness and an innate desire for improvement, optimism and hope.


This power of self-love manifests in the Color of the Year — Power Berry. A shade that symbolizes individuality and authenticity, this transformative mix of blues and reds also signifies the individual’s adaptability to the changing tides. A hue that’s found in flowers, berries, vegetables and spices, Power Berry instantly draws a connection to nature, a source of optimism, healing and authenticity during the last few years.

2023 カラーパレットをコードする

With Power Berry depicting creativity and optimism, it pairs well with purples, reds, corals, pinks and greens. These vivid hues evoke a loud and proud energy, vivid confidence and trigger motivation.



In 2023, we predict that Power Berry will manifest itself in many forms, including:

  • カラーミーパワフル 目元と口元に強い発色をもたらすカラーコスメを使用し、性別の役割や美の基準を超えた自己表現として活用すること。
  • 滑るような光。シルクのような輝きから、肌が透けて見えるようなハイパーグロッシーな輝きまで、テクスチャーの遊びで表現したカラーです。
  • 反抗的な目:派手で率直な色であるパワーベリーは、洗練された、エッジの効いた、個性あふれるアイカラーとして際立っています。
  • 2022年は口紅の当たり年だったが、2023年は再び鮮やかな色を唇にのせ、質感、形、レイヤーにこだわった表現力豊かな口紅が消費者に受け入れられるだろう
  • ジェンダーフリーのネイル。プラム、モーブ、レッド、パープルなど、ベリー系の色で、性別に関係なく使える色合いです。
  • 際立つ髪。ダークベースとこの色の組み合わせは、様々な顔色の人に似合う、使いやすい色です。

All set for 2023? Partner with Sensient Beauty to formulate with Power Berry and the rest of the accompanying hues to create unique, sensorial experiences.  Contact us now to find out more.

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