100%天然和疏水 - 芦荟表面处理

Easy to disperse and has high pigment load. Excellent spreadability, dry and light feel.


Driven by the growing clean beauty movement, many consumers are making conscious decisions about what and how they consume, even more so for their cosmetic products. They see cosmetics that contains ingredients derived from food or botanical sources as inherently safe. However, product quality cannot be compromised as high coverage and lightweight foundations are still an essential.


66% of Chinese women pay attention to the percentage of natural ingredients

47% of Indian consumers strongly agree that natural ingredients are their top priority when shopping for beauty and grooming products

45% of Chinese shoppers believe natural ingredients are the solution to improve their skin health

Inspired to innovate to meet clean beauty standards, Sensient developed Aloe Surface Treatment.


  • 100%天然疏水的表面处理
  • INCI: 硅石,氢氧化铝,氢化椰子油,芦荟提取物
  • 从废弃的芦荟叶中提取并循环使用
芦荟表面处理 - 芦荟和椰子


  • 一款100%纯天然疏水型无臭表面处理色粉
  • 颜料含量高
  • 涂抹性极佳,手感干爽轻盈
  • 改善水分,舒缓晒伤,减少刺激
  • 符合全球标准,100%纯天然,符合ISO16128
  • Cosmos、清真(Halal)认证、犹太洁食(KOSHER)认证
  • 纯素食,可生物降解,符合名古屋议定书

Sensient Beauty 我们很自豪地宣布,芦荟表面处理剂获得了PCHi 2023年喷泉奖的 "最佳感官增强成分 "奖!

The industry-acclaimed PCHi Fountain Awards recognize advancing research capabilities and cutting-edge technologies in the personal care industry. All entries were evaluated independently by an esteemed judging panel consisting of industry veterans from renowned cosmetics manufacturing companies and associations, university researchers, as well as experts from PCHi’s Cosmetics Science & Technology Innovation Committee.

PCHi 2023年喷泉奖得主 - 芦荟表面处理

Contact us to request a sample of Aloe Surface Treatment or arrange a VIVID session with us. We will be happy to introduce you to our latest ingredient launches and innovations.

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