100% naturalny i hydrofobowy - Aloe Surface Treatment

Easy to disperse and has high pigment load. Excellent spreadability, dry and light feel.

Obróbka powierzchniowa Aloe Featured Image (Updated)

Driven by the growing clean beauty movement, many consumers are making conscious decisions about what and how they consume, even more so for their cosmetic products. They see cosmetics that contains ingredients derived from food or botanical sources as inherently safe. However, product quality cannot be compromised as high coverage and lightweight foundations are still an essential.

Fundacja Aloe Surface Treatment

66% of Chinese women pay attention to the percentage of natural ingredients

47% of Indian consumers strongly agree that natural ingredients are their top priority when shopping for beauty and grooming products

45% of Chinese shoppers believe natural ingredients are the solution to improve their skin health

Inspired to innovate to meet clean beauty standards, Sensient developed Aloe Surface Treatment.

Co to jest Aloe Surface Treatment?

  • W 100% naturalna i hydrofobowa obróbka powierzchni
  • INCI: krzemionka, wodorotlenek glinu, uwodorniony olej kokosowy, ekstrakt z aloesu Barbadensis
  • Pozyskany i przetworzony z wyrzuconych liści aloesu.
Aloe Surface Treatment - Aloe & Coconut

Jakie są więc ich właściwości i korzyści?

  • W 100% naturalna i hydrofobowa, bezzapachowa obróbka powierzchniowa
  • Wysoka zawartość pigmentu
  • Doskonała rozsmarowywalność, suchość i lekkość w dotyku
  • Poprawia nawilżenie, łagodzi oparzenia słoneczne i zmniejsza podrażnienia
  • Jest zgodna ze światowymi normami i w 100% naturalna zgodnie z ISO16129
  • Kosmos, certyfikat Halal, Kosher
  • Wegańskie, biodegradowalne i zgodne z protokołem z Nagoi

Sensient Beauty zdumą ogłasza, że Aloe Surface Treatment wygrał "Best Sensory Enhancing Ingredient" na PCHi 2023 Fountain Awards!

The industry-acclaimed PCHi Fountain Awards recognize advancing research capabilities and cutting-edge technologies in the personal care industry. All entries were evaluated independently by an esteemed judging panel consisting of industry veterans from renowned cosmetics manufacturing companies and associations, university researchers, as well as experts from PCHi’s Cosmetics Science & Technology Innovation Committee.

PCHi 2023 Fountain Award Winner - Aloe Surface Treatment

Contact us to request a sample of Aloe Surface Treatment or arrange a VIVID session with us. We will be happy to introduce you to our latest ingredient launches and innovations.

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