
Natural water soluble red and brown seaweed extract


*Currently only available in APAC & LATAM at the moment

Continued focus on self-care, consumers are increasingly health conscious and taking a more holistic approach to their own wellbeing, as well as the environment. Skin care brands begin to address consumers’ interest by driving the innovations in more sustainable and natural and eco friendly products.


34% of Italian female skincare users mention that they have skin concerns that they didn’t have before the pandemic

50% of French consumers say face mask usage during the pandemic outbreak has irritated their skin

Therefore, many skincare users are interested in more multipurpose products now. Natural ingredients, multiple benefits, suitable for sensitive skin are popular product features.


It is described as ‘one of the most nutritious form of vegetation’


As Food, algae (seaweed) is full of nutrients and good for health as it contains a rich supply of minerals, most prominently calcium, copper, iodine and iron. It is also rich in protein, fiber and vitamins, while being low in calories and fat.

As Cosmetics, algae has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing benefits. Premium brands use algae (seaweed) extracts for anti-inflammatory/soothing, anti-aging and hydration purposes.

Inspired to create a multi-functional active ingredient, Sensient developed Fucosorb 3Alga.

什么是Fucosorb 3Alga?

  • 天然水溶性红色和棕色海藻提取物,具有舒缓和滋润的特性
  • INCI:水,山梨糖醇,软骨藻提取物,海藻提取物,马尾藻提取物,戊二醇,辛甘醇,乙基己基甘油。

Sensient explored the noteworthy characteristics of Sargassum Muticum biomass in cosmetic application, transforming its invasive traits to become a source of active compound for the development of next-generation cosmetic products, while preserving the marine ecosystem.

  • 在藻类生长季节收获,以确保最高的营养成分
  • 可持续的收获方法
  • 保护海洋生态系统
  • 对我们社区的积极影响
  • 符合素食、清真和犹太教标准


  • 对皮肤有很强的实质性作用
  • 优秀的保湿活性*。
  • 修复和舒缓皮肤*。
  • 使用时无色(透明凝胶)。
  • 水溶性,易于配制和加工
  • 不含防腐剂,微生物活性低
  • 对热不敏感,与热加工兼容,可加热至75°c
  • 用于广泛的应用,包括皮肤护理、化妆、头发护理和个人护理。

*Tested in vivo (1 & 3%)

*Currently only available in APAC & LATAM at the moment

Contact us to request a sample of Fucosorb 3Alga or arrange a VIVID session with us. We will be happy to introduce you to our latest ingredient launches and innovations.

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