天然的可可提取物 - Natpure® Xco Choco

Driven by the growing Clean Beauty movement and concerns about the environment, many consumers express a willingness to spend more on beauty and personal care products that meet eco and sustainable objectives....

Driven by the growing Clean Beauty movement and concerns about the environment, many consumers express a willingness to spend more on beauty and personal care products that meet eco and sustainable objectives. According to studies done by Mintel and WGSN,

  • 87%的Z族人
  • 73%的千禧一代

consumers are motivated to buy skincare products created using methods that have the least environmental impact.


In June 2021, US-based non-profit organization: Upcycled Food Association launched the Upcycled Certified™ program, the world’s first product certification for upcycled products and ingredients. The certification legitimize food waste as a reputable and reliable source for beauty ingredients and ensure that such products are manufactured to the highest standards.

Natpure Xco Choco CC864 - 应用


  1. 吸引具有生态意识的消费者
  2. 赋予附加值,增强品牌信息和可持续发展的故事
  3. 保护地球:可帮助解决全球13亿吨食物浪费的问题

Natpure Xco Choco CC864 - 信息图表

Inspired to innovate from waste. Sensient developed an extract made from cocoa husks discarded by the chocolate industry,
Natpure® Xco Choco CC864.

什么是Natpure® Xco Choco CC864?

  • 从巧克力工业的副产品中获得的100%天然提取物。
  • 用通常被食品工业丢弃的可可壳(来自非洲)制成。
  • 谷壳以最严格的方法进行清洗、提取和过滤--以保持成分质量,同时确保纯度。

Natpure Xco Choco CC864


  • 可溶于水
  • 可用于皮肤护理、头发护理、个人护理
  • 稳定性高,不会随时间推移而变黑或褪色
  • 呵护色彩:含有来自可可壳提取物的抗氧化活性成分
  • 棕色的产品被认为是土黄色的,并与自然有关。
  • 免责声明:该成分在美国市场上不得用作着色剂。

All these fits with the Megatrends by Sensient whereby we’ve identified ‘Back to Basics’ and ‘Sustainability’ as trends to look out for from 2022 and beyond. Consumers are looking for a no-frills approach to skincare, echoed by an overall trend of minimalism. Plus there is a new wave of sustainability effort that is set to come in forms of beauty formulas derived from waste.

Contact us to request a sample of Natpure® Xco Choco CC864 or arrange a VIVID session with us. We will be happy to introduce you to our latest ingredient launches and innovations.

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