Attivi per la pelle

Sourced from all around the world and with proven efficacy, our range of active ingredients optimized complexes of biologically active ingredients designed to address key consumer needs on the skin care market, such as whitening, anti-ageing or moisturizing.

Esperti in estrazione

We are experts in extractions and our latest acquisition, Mazza Innovation Limited, is a global leader in botanical extraction technology. They call the extraction technology it uses the PhytoClean™ method. It is a water-based extraction process that concentrates bioactive by pressurizing water at moderate temperatures and increasing the water’s ability to solubilize bioactive compounds from botanical sources

At Sensient, we employ PhytoClean™, an advanced method for bioactive, environmentally responsible extraction that yields clean ingredients in an earth-friendly manner. PhytoClean™ technology:

  • Elimina l'uso di solventi organici pericolosi
  • Consuma meno energia dei metodi di estrazione tradizionali
  • Produce sottoprodotti non tossici che sono facilmente smaltiti o compostati
  • Minimizza il rischio per la salute dei dipendenti, la sicurezza e l'ambiente eliminando l'uso di solventi organici pericolosi

Studies has shown that consumers routinely identify the word “extracts” with their desired goal of clean beauty. Extracts are also good for manufacturers because they are easily sourced and usable in a wide variety of applications.

Approvvigionamento tracciabile

We focus on bio-based, abundant mineral and circular process. To help ensure the safety of our products, all of our raw materials are part of a detailed traceability program and we have robust product, environmental, and raw material screening programs that are designed to exceed industry standards.



Explore our active ingredients