Traitements de surface

Sensient has developed a range of surface treatments that can completely change your customers’ experiences with your products. Those treatments provide hydrophilic, hydrophobic or both hydrophobic/hydrophilic properties. Our treatments can be synthetic or from natural origins and have been designed to help formulators optimize their formulations in terms of stability, sensory, long-wear, shade fidelity and ease of processing.

Sensient Surface Treatment Table 2023

Traitement de surface ALOE

  • Traitement de surface 100 % naturel, hydrophobe et inodore.
  • Facile à disperser et à charge pigmentaire élevée
  • Excellent étalement, sec et léger sur peau
  • Améliore l'hydratation, apaise les coups de soleil et réduit les irritations.
  • Conforme aux normes internationales et 100% naturel selon ISO16128
  • Certifié Cosmos, Halal, Kosher
  • Végétalien, biodégradable et conforme au Protocole de Nagoya

Sensient Beauty is proud to announce that Aloe Surface Treatment has won “Best Sensory Enhancing Ingredient” for PCHi 2023 Fountain Awards!