Cura del sole - Dinamiche e tendenze del mercato globale

Understanding the sun care concerns from each region can help you formulate better products for your consumers

Le principali tendenze che guidano i prodotti per la cura del sole - immagine in evidenza

The sun care sector is experiencing significant growth within the personal care industry, driven by a growing emphasis on skin health and awareness of the dangers posed by UV radiation—from potential skin cancers to accelerated aging. This rise reflects a change in consumer attitudes, where there’s an increasing value placed on both the aesthetic and health benefits of skincare products. This understanding has catalyzed the demand for sun care solutions that do more than protect; they integrate seamlessly into beauty routines, offering reparative and protective benefits.

Visione globale delle preferenze di cura del sole

The conversation around sunscreen is as varied as the regions it spans, shaped by distinct consumer preferences, climate conditions, and cultural attitudes towards sun exposure.

Asia-Pacific is leading the charge with a strong preference for high SPF products, reflecting not only a cultural inclination towards lighter skin tones but also an acute awareness of the adverse effects of UV rays. The region prioritizes functionality and convenience, highlighting a market ripe for innovations that address cosmetic concerns like the unwanted “white cast.”

Europe’s approach to sun care shows notable seasonal fluctuations, with a peak in interest during the warmer months. However, there’s growing recognition of the importance of year-round protection, particularly against environmental stressors, signaling an opportunity for educational initiatives.

North America’s discussions revolve around eco-friendly and inclusive sun care solutions, highlighting a demand for products that are both safe for the environment and accommodating of diverse skin tones.

Latin America shows a predilection for water- and sweat-resistant products, with textures such as gels and serums gaining popularity. This reflects a broader shift towards mineral-based sunscreens and a willingness to invest in natural, safe ingredients.

The Middle East presents a unique market influenced by cultural practices and the intense sunlight prevalent throughout the year. Here, the focus is on formulations that offer robust protection without neglecting the diverse needs of its population, including a demand for halal products.

Le tendenze del futuro dei trattamenti solari

The sunscreen sector is in the midst of a transformative change, driven by several key trends that are reshaping consumer expectations and product development:

Protezione solare amica dell'oceano

The surge in eco-conscious consumerism is reshaping the sunscreen market, ushering in a new era where sustainability goes hand in hand with skin protection. The SPF40 Tropic Mineral Sun Cream, featuring SENSISORB BIOMIM, stands at the forefront of this shift. This product not only shields the skin from harmful UV rays but also emphasizes environmental stewardship. Its formulation is kind to marine life, offering a safer alternative to traditional sunscreens that pose threats to coral reefs through toxic ingredients. As awareness and demand for ocean-friendly sun care options increase, such innovations are crucial in aligning skincare routines with the urgent need for environmental preservation.

Cura della pelle e trattamenti solari ibridi

Hybrid skin and sun care represents a blend of skincare and sun protection, addressing both health and aesthetic needs in a single product. This approach caters to the growing consumer desire for multifunctional beauty solutions that simplify routines without compromising effectiveness.

A prime example of this trend is the Mineral UV Lip Balm, which embodies the hybrid ethos by offering dual benefits. It provides robust protection against harmful UV rays while simultaneously conditioning dry lips, thanks to its innovative formulation. The balm utilizes ultrafine Zinc Oxide (UV ZNO PS45 AS) for its transparent finish, ensuring that there’s no white cast left behind.

To nourish and moisturize, COVASTEROL, derived from plant extracts, serves as an effective lanolin substitute. Additionally, COVAGLOSS, a soft polymer, adds a touch of high gloss, enhancing the product’s aesthetic appeal while forming a water-resistant barrier that also binds pigments. This lip balm showcases how hybrid products can meet the demands of today’s consumers, merging sun protection with skincare benefits seamlessly.

Diverse forme di protezione solare

Sunscreen is no longer confined to traditional creams and lotions; the market has expanded to include a variety of formats such as powders, sticks, transparent sprays, mists, oils, and serums, catering to diverse preferences and lifestyles.

Amidst these innovations, the Colorful SPF30 Mineral Sun Stick emerges as a standout, perfectly embodying the trend towards versatile and convenient sun protection. Designed for active individuals seeking hassle-free application, this travel-friendly stick offers broad-spectrum coverage in a lightweight, non-greasy formula.

Stick solare per la cura del sole colorato
Immagine a titolo indicativo, credito: Aloha Sun Stick

It’s an ideal choice for anyone looking to protect their skin without the mess, easily fitting into a beach bag or purse. The inclusion of NATPURE FEEL-M ECO ensures a smooth glide upon application, preserving the skin’s natural barrier and moisture. Additionally, COVANOL dispersion introduces a playful element with its vibrant hues, while SENSISORB CF+ guards against color fading. This sun stick demonstrates how sun care can be both effective and enjoyable, making it a must-have accessory for outdoor adventures.

Inclusività e diversificazione

The inclusive beauty movement is reshaping the sunscreen market, addressing a long-standing gap in products suitable for Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC). Historically, many sunscreens have failed to cater to darker skin tones, often leaving a white or ashy residue that detracts from their usability and appeal. This issue has led to a lower usage rate of sunscreen among Black adults compared to their White counterparts, with only 49% reporting use in 2022. In response, there is a growing demand for sun care products that are truly inclusive, offering formulations that blend seamlessly into all skin tones without leaving any residue.

To address these concerns, companies are now innovating with skin tone-inclusive sunscreens, particularly focusing on mineral-based options that traditionally posed challenges. The development of tinted formulas is a significant step forward, utilizing SPF active ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide combined with tinted pigments.

Protezione solare colorata

These pigments not only avoid the white cast but also enhance the product’s protective capabilities against UVA and UVB rays. Additionally, they offer sheer coverage to mask imperfections, making them versatile enough to pair with light foundations for a more natural look.

At Sensient Beauty, we offer a wide suite of customizable solutions and ingredients for sun care formulations. Ranging from surface treatments, dispersions, sensory beads and film formers to provide the right viscosity and texture, to SPF boosters that enables formulators to reach the desired SPF value with lesser UV filters.

If you’re looking to tailor your sun care products to meet regional demands and stay ahead of industry trends, reach out today to explore how we can innovate together, creating formulations that resonate with consumers worldwide.

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