영화 전조

Our range of synthetic and natural film formers create films with a wide range of properties, from flexibility for eyelash application to non-transfer for eyeliner application or long lasting for makeup setting spray application. They make mascaras, makeup and sun care formulations last longer by keeping pigments and active ingredients onto skin and hair. 

Natpure® Film is a natural film formers that uses innovative natural compounds to deliver performance on par or better than synthetic film formers. They make mascaras, makeup and sun care formulations last longer by keeping pigments and active ingredients onto skin and hair. 

Natpure® 필름 AP 

Technical properties: 

  • 아카시아 껌으로 코팅된 천연 설탕 기반 필름 형성제.  
  • 천연 유래 지수: 100%(ISO 16128 기준) 
  • 코스모스 인증 
  • 양이온 계면활성제 사용 시 주의, 불투명한 결과 제공 

Cosmetic benefits: 

  • 반짝이고 투명한  
  • 필름의 비양도성 속성 
  • 높은 접착력 및 투명 저항성 

Natpure® 필름 GR 

Technical properties: 

  • 제지 산업 부산물 가치 평가 
  • 천연 유래 지수: 99%(ISO16128 기준) 
  • 피지에 대한 탁월한 저항력 
  • 소금과의 뛰어난 호환성 
  • 방수 및 습도에 대한 높은 내성 
  • SPF 30 미네랄 제형 - COLIPA 표준 방법론에 따라 93% 내성 발현

Cosmetic benefits: 

  • 반짝이는 효과 
  • 오래 지속되는 메이크업 

Covacryl® acrylic film formers are water-soluble polymers that can create films with a wide range of properties, from flexibility to non-transfer or improved coverage of eye-lashes. When used in mascaras, these film former can provide adjusted elasticity, shininess, suppleness, dryness depending on the grade of Covacryl® used in the formulation. 

For long lastingness on greasy skin we recommend 

  • 코바크릴® P21 
  • 코바크릴®MS11 WP 
  • 코바크릴® MT10 

To combat humidity 

  • Covacryl® E14 WP 
  • 코바크릴®A15 WP 
  • 코바크릴®MT10 

To formulate water resistant products 

  • 코바크릴® MS11 WP 
  • 코바크릴® MT10 
  • Covacryl® E14 WP 

Improve of sheer resistance  

  • 파운데이션 - 코바크릴® E14 WP 
  • 자외선 차단제 - 코바크릴® MS11 WP 
  • 아이라이너 - 코바크릴® MS11 WP, 코바크릴® MT10 

For a product with multiple properties, it is possible to combine several film formers while formulating. 

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